Funny senior citizen jokes are a great way to start the day!
Yeah, being a senior isn’t always a blast. We do have a heck of a lot more physical issues to address each day. Right?
But, sharing this stuff is sometimes just so funny that after seeing some of these posts I have a smile on my face for hours.
A little laughter each day, for no reason at all, is always a great thing.
And, sometimes, when we’re not in the best of spirits we need a little boost. These funny senior citizen jokes can work wonders then too.
Take a look. Have some fun!
Are you ready?
Here are the latest funny senior citizen jokes that we found laugh worthy:
We find our funny senior citizen jokes all over the place. When we do, we like to pass them on. The ones you saw we thought were outstanding.
If you’d like to see more, there are a few Facebook pages below that post regularly. They are all about funny senior citizen jokes. Just click on the light blue tile of each and you’ll go directly to their page.
If you’re not on Facebook yet, and can’t access these pages, we suggest you join. It’s free and there’s all kinds of interesting stuff to read and share.
Gramma’s Funnies
“Group of Grammas who are not prudes, who don’t get offended easily and who like to have fun and appreciate humor and inspiration of ALL kinds. This is a very DIVERSE group with a HIGH volume of posts. If you cant deal with tolerance, can't deal with a little negativity on occasion, or if you get offended by the occasional curse word then this is not the group for you.”
The Original Cranky Old Women Group
“A page that posts funny stuff all for a good laugh.”
Grama’s Laughing Out Loud
“This group is for FUN Laugh out loud things we all do, as we get older Grama's Grandad's or just because you like to laugh! Drop in and post, comment or like regularly to keep us in your news feed. Check out the fun pages associated with this group.”
Senior Citizens Unfiltered
“Most of us get old eventually why not have fun with it? After 55 years we've earned the right to say and do just what we want and we don't give a cracker who we run the wrong way anymore. Seniors like the baby boomers come from an era where you worked hard to earn a living, you respected everyone, and you were outside more than in, times were simpler in some ways harder in others but oh the memories. Nowadays the memory is fading, the bones are creaking and that racket kids call music these days is just a lot of screaming. This group is just a lighthearted look at what it's like to be a senior citizen. We'll post funny videos, heartwarming stories, clean jokes and memories of bygone eras and you don't have to be 55 or older to join, just have some respect for each other and a good sense of humor. So pull up yer rocker, and sit a spell but most of all have fun.”
If you have a favorite or two that we haven’t posted can you send it to us so that we can post it for other seniors to enjoy? If we start laughing when we read it, it will definitely go up.
Why not start your day with some funny senior citizen jokes?
They’ll give you a Laugh and put a Smile on your face!
Have a Very Happy Day! ~ William, Fiona, and Charlotte
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