As you know we survey our senior citizens regularly to find out what seniors just like you really want.
This month we are surveying the question:
“What would you like to see next
on this website?” is all about you! And, many of our readers have asked how they could find articles on things they want to know about. Others have asked where they could find stories, pictures, and poems just for seniors. Still others wanted exercises that are fun and make sense for senior bodies.
Previous requests include:
Easy smart TVs (under $500)
A simple easy to read and hear senior Cell Phone
The best Home Security Systems for seniors
The most comfortable pillow to sleep on
Computer classes just for us
Exercises that are FUN
Power lift recliners chairs
The best walkers and rollators
Good gifts for old people who say they have everything
The best Dogs for seniors
And: all those Survey Requests are now on the website. You’ll find them all in the Navigation bar at the top of each page.
Still, we know there’s more you'd like to see. To read about. To enjoy. So, please, take a minute to let us know.
Obviously we can’t answer every question or request. At least right
away. But, we’ll do our very best to answer and research the most
popular topics as soon as possible.
us know. Nothing is too far fetched or unimportant if it is important
to you. And, if it is important to you, you can be sure it is equally
important to other seniors just like yourself.
So drop us a line, in our “Contact Us” page and let us know.
Thanks! ~ William, Fiona, and Charlotte
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